CJ Lovik – Bible Student, author and Founder of Rock Island Books & RIBVideos.com

JoAnn Lovik – Book and Cover Illustrator, Rock Island Books’ bookkeeper and Bible fact checker. JoAnn is CJ’s amazing wife who is also a prayer warrior and one of Rock Island books most trusted counselors.

Sergio Leon – Creative designer and Graphic illustrator of all Rock Island Media including books and videos. Sergio is a devoted disciple of the Lord Jesus and a faithful friend whose contribution to Rock Island Books has been extraordinary. The Lord has used Sergio Leon to keep the publication of RockIslandBooks.com and RIBVideos.com possible.

Bobby Wood – Director of Marketing & Website Administration. Bobby Wood is the gifted Christian that keeps everything up and running. Bobby is also Rock Island Books primary consultant whose business experience is key to the Rock Island Books ministry. Without Bobby Wood Rock Island Books would be just a pleasant memory as in 2023 Bobby stepped in and literally kept us going. And I would also like to include Ethan Wood who has been packaging all our DVD’s and CD’s and Ellie Wood who carefully packs and ships all Rock Island Books and media. Ellie makes a real effort to make sure each order arrives quickly and safely. Our way of saying thank you to all our fiends that have invested in our ministry with each purchase of a book or video from Rock Island Books.

Tina Miller – Customer Relations.  Book Editor and Author and a Prayer Warrior.  Tina has been with Rock Island Books from the very beginning and we could not imagine being in this ministry without her constant encouragement, not to mention all of her amazing gifts and talents.

Josh Keely – Josh was President of Rock Island Books. Josh helped launch the online presence of Rock Island Books and is a gifted computer expert. Josh is one of the finest and most dedicated apologists for the Gospel of Jesus Christ I have ever known and while the Lord has moved Josh on to other opportunities he remains a dear friend and mentor who is always there to give Rock Island Books advice and encouragement. We would never have launched or survived as an online ministry without the many years of dedication and countless contributions of Josh Keely.

Buck Keely – Buck has been a faithful friend and contributor to Rock Island Books since its inception. Buck Keely is a Christian pastor, counselor and author of four books that are available at RockIslandBooks.com Buck has authored a three book set titled The Pilgrims Lantern that is one of the best expositions on Sanctification, Justification and Glorification available for new believers in Jesus Christ. Buck has also written our favorite tiny book that we have sold and distributed by the thousands titled Will You Rest in Peace?

John Moran – John has become a recent contributor. John is a brilliant Christian man who has a heart for ALL the Jews and Gentiles that will be left behind after the Lord comes to collect his bride, the called out assembly or the Church. Rock Island Books was privileged in 2024 to publish John’s DVD and CD titled AFTER THE RAPTURE available on YouTube and viewed by over a 100,000 viewers so far.

Steven Phillips – Steve is the first person that took a serious interest in Rock Island Books publication of the three layered Hebrew we call the Language of the Garden of Eden. Steve is a gifted bible teacher, pastor and Christian author and is the only other contributor whose Hebrew Word Study books RIB has published. Those books include The Living Word in 3D Isaiah 53 & The Living Word in 3D – Joshua 30 Words. Steve has also contributed many of the short Hebrew Word Studies that you can listen to on RIBVideos.com.

On a personal note I would like to thank Wayne Keely who was the one who set me on the journey that became Rock Island Books almost 24 years ago. Outside of God’s Revelation, Wayne remains the only person I consult on all things having to do with Bible Prophecy. And that by definition makes him a treasured friend of Rock Island Books.